VALOUR is non-profit Society owned and operated by serving and retired Law Enforcement and Veterans to support mental health programs that aid Veterans and First Responders who battle and conquer both visible and invisible wounds. This includes the systems that provide support and care for all the brave men and women including family and friends. As well as citizens who wish to show and provide support through the VALOUR name in support of PTSD and Mental Health.

Graham WALSH - President and Co-founder
Garrett MOORE - Vice President and Co-founder
Through our careers in law enforcement, we have worked across Canada in a wide variety of rolls. We both strived to help and assist those unable to help themselves and provide a service with integrity and honour.
We created the VALOUR brand after our own struggle with PTSD to provide support, awareness, and pride within the community of serving and retired Veterans and First Responders who suffer from both visible and invisible injuries. To aid and bring a sense of community and purpose to Veterans and First Responders. We firmly believe with both diagnosed and undiagnosed injuries; you can still have a strong purpose and a lot to offer and achieve. Through VALOUR, we will donate proceeds to organizations that hold the same values and assist with mental health treatment and recovery.

Nicole HISCOCK - Office Manager
When Graham and Garrett asked me to help support VALOUR, the answer was an instantaneous yes. I myself am not a current or retired Veteran or First Responder, but the Canadian armed forces have been a huge part of my entire life. Both of my parents are retired CAF Veterans. Both my father-in-Law and Step Father-in-law are retired CAF Veterans. My sister, her husband and 2 Brother-in-Laws on my husband’s side are all currently serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces and Finally to round off the list of my personal heroes, I am a Military Spouse.
Being given the opportunity to be a part of and support such an amazing organization with a cause that hits so close to home for me, PTSD, is an absolute honour.
VALOUR is a stunning brand with an amazing and important mission. It’s time to talk about the hard topics and let everyone who is struggling know that they are not alone and it’s ok not to be ok.